Saturday, April 3, 2010


So many thoughts keep running through my mind...first of all is...Have we lost our minds...but then I look in the faces of our children...and listen to what they are saying as they play...When MY sisters come home...YOU are in so much trouble! hehehe...sometimes, it's the reality of it all that helps you to understand..YOU are in charge of your life. In our adoption journey, so far the majority of feedback we have received has been very negative. A few family members are excited about it, but the majority...especially the ones that could make a difference financially...are verbally negative about the whole "adoption phase" I am going through. Well, as I put my friend on the plane to Iraq this morning...and I realized how unknown everything is...I refuse to let my "friends and family" ruin our experience. God would not have brought us this far to abandon our 2 little on to the fundraisers, grant application, prayer, and a ton of luck...These girls need our family and that is all there is to it!


  1. These 2 girls looks so much alike! :) Yes, you have lost your mind! You are no longer your own. You are God's, and you are following HIS will! Bless and praise you! I am so excited for both of these girls!

    When we announced we were adopting not only 1 child with special needs, but 2... it seemed like we had lost all family, and most of our friends too! Satan tried, I will give him that... but he LOST! And a lot of family and friends are back on board now. :)

    We are awaiting trip 2 to bring our girls home from Bulgaria! My mom, who was totally freaked out by the original announcement, can not WAIT! She fell in love with the pictures and descriptions of the girls from my first trip. Praising God for changing minds and hearts!

    I came to understand adoption isn't just about myself and our children, but a much bigger plan unfolds as you go along!

  2. I think you are a hero. Your family, your children and your life will be SO CHANGED due to this step out in faith. CHANGED FOR THE BETTER. you are saving 2 beautiful childrens lives who would DIE in an institution without a family. that is huge. who needs materials things or bigger savings when you could take that money, gods money and save a child?? the right answer is no one. sadly more folks dont see that. hugs!! I love your girlies :)

  3. So, you want 2 more beautiful, intelligent daughters, and you're willing to go halfway round the world to get them. Seems to me that the sort of people that can't understand that aern't really worth worrying about.

  4. How wonderful that people notice that you've "lost your mind!!". It is only when we do that that we can truly gaines the mind of Christ and see the orphans how HE sees them. Adoption does not make sense to a lot of people and as long as their eyes are blinded to the plight of orphans they will never understand. Keep the faith! God will not let you fall.

  5. I think its wonderful that your adopting..iam helping my friend fundraise for her adoption of a special needs child..if we had the ability to i would in a heart beat...big huggs..
